Image: Robin Brogdon, MA

Robin Brogdon, MA

Owner, CEO

Chief Mutt Rescuer
Image: Linda Kaplan, MHA

Linda Kaplan, MHA


Director of Fur Affairs
Image: Emma MacMillan

Emma MacMillan

Art Director

Manager of Fine Felines
Image: Denise Acosta

Denise Acosta

Finance Manager

Tracker of Who Gets the Most Treats
Image: Robert Schmid

Robert Schmid


Cyber Barketer
Image: Krystle Hoppe

Krystle Hoppe

Digital Marketing Manager

Conversion Crunching Canine
Image: Kristen Fusari

Kristen Fusari

Social Media/Content Manager

Copy Shepherd
Image: Theresa Greenwood

Theresa Greenwood

Digital Marketing Specialist

Data Dog Herder
Image: Christine DeSantis

Christine DeSantis

Website Specialist

Domain Doxie
Image: Roxanne Jones

Roxanne Jones

Senior Copywriter

Kitty Confidential
Image: William Stalhuth

William Stalhuth

Senior Graphic Designer

Contemporary Artist & Kool Kat
Image: Renita Smith, MBA

Renita Smith, MBA

Brand Strategist

World Traveler
Image: Becky Vickman

Becky Vickman

Senior Website Developer

Digital Duchess