BluePrints Veterinary Posts

Image: Special Election Edition: Tigger or Fido For President?

Special Election Edition: Tigger or Fido For President?

October 13, 2016

By Linda Kaplan, MHA, Vice President With the election season coming to a close, we thought we’d step away from the intense human political conversations and provide a little levity with true stories of animals that have “run” for various political offices (and sometimes even... Read More

Image: Answers to Your Top 7 Digital Marketing Questions

Answers to Your Top 7 Digital Marketing Questions

August 30, 2016

By Sue Kim, Digital Project Manager We receive a lot of questions from our clients on how they can either incorporate digital into their overall marketing plan or improve their current digital marketing. Trends, tools, features, and algorithms seem to be changing constantly so we... Read More

Image: Orange Coast Magazine: The Face of Animal Healthcare Marketing
Image: Staying Ahead of the Curve: What Can We Adapt From Human Healthcare Marketing Best Practices?
Image: Six Tips to Manage Your Online Reputation

Six Tips to Manage Your Online Reputation

October 15, 2015

By Sue Kim, Digital Project Manager Psst... did you hear? Clients are talking about you - to their friends, family, and online. You've probably heard that word-of-mouth is the most effective way to gain a new client. And it's even truer now that technology and the Internet are... Read More

Image: The Experience of Being a Client: 5 Specialists Later

The Experience of Being a Client: 5 Specialists Later

February 1, 2015

By Robin Brogdon, MA There are few people who know more about specialty medicine from the perspective of a client. After all, it's how I started my journey into veterinary medicine 15 years ago, with a trip to the veterinary oncologist. I recently took my 14 year-old mixed breed,... Read More