March 2020 Posts

Image: How To Shift Your Marketing Efforts During the COVID-19 Crisis

How To Shift Your Marketing Efforts During the COVID-19 Crisis

March 31, 2020

COVID-19 is a major healthcare crisis that has taken the entire world by storm. Right now, your pet parents and referring DVMs need to know if/when you are open for business so effective communication is a must. Every veterinary hospital and practice is unique, but here are some... Read More

Image: Dr. Noah Lot, Should we still be posting on social media during the COVID-19 situation?
Image: Crisis Communications – A roadmap for strategic public relations in a crisis
Image: How Your Veterinary Emergency Practice Can Survive During the Coronavirus Storm
Image: Why is it so difficult to recruit quality veterinarians aside from the obvious low unemployment rate?
Image: Branding 101 – More than a Logo

Branding 101 – More than a Logo

March 3, 2020

What is a brand? Why does my veterinary specialty practice need one? And how do I create a brand or refresh the one we already have? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just hang a “We’re Open” sign in the window and clients would just show up, know what you do, and how great... Read More